Group Schedule

This is the group schedule page. Below is the calendar of group meetings. We currently meet on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Meetings begin with a quick scrum: 30 seconds to 1 minute per-person (this is a hard time cap at 1 minute, no more allowed) description of what they did last week and what they’re working on. No interruptions, no tangents, and no questions are allowed during this time.

REMEMBER: you must either get a speaker, or prepare a 20 minute talk with slides on either your work or someone else’s.

See the previous speakers page for previous speaker bios + archives of the previous schedules for prior semesters.



Date Assignee Topic
12/12/2022 Kushal Babel Kushal presented (1) an SGX vulnerability in the Secret Network; and (2) the experimental design and results of complete knowledge.
12/19/2022 Yan Ji Yan invited Tiancheng Xie to present his paper entitled zkBridge: Trustless Cross-chain Bridges Made Practical.
12/26/2022 Cancelled Christmas holiday.
01/02/2023 Cancelled Happy New Year!
01/09/2023 Sishan Long Sishan presented her internship work on cross-chain bridge designs under overlapping trust.
01/16/2023 Cancelled IC3 Winter Retreat.
01/23/2023 Mahimna Kelkar Mahimna gave a talk on research agenda on mechanism design in blockchain research.
01/30/2023 System deconstruction Breaking PBS.
02/06/2023 Carolina Ortega Perez Carolina invited Jasleen to give a talk on her NDSS paper.
02/13/2023 James Austgen James gave a talk on decentralized staking on Ethereum.
02/20/2023 Andres Fabrega Andres gave a talk on challenges of electronic voting for general elections.
02/27/2023 Cancelled February break.
03/06/2023 Ari Juels Ari gave a talk on new research ideas on private transaction executions inside TEEs.
03/13/2023 Kushal Babel Kushal invited Soubhik Deb to give a talk on EigenLayer.
03/20/2023 Yan Ji Yan presented SGXonerated: Finding (and Partially Fixing) Privacy Flaws in TEE-based Smart Contract Platforms Without Breaking the TEE.
03/27/2023 Yan Ji Yan presented the Tendermint Light Client and potential attacks.
04/03/2023 Cancelled Spring break.
04/10/2023 Sishan Long Sishan invited Xuechao Wang to give a talk on his paper entitled Security Analysis of Filecoin’s Expected Consensus in the Byzantine vs Honest Model.
04/17/2023 Mahimna Kelkar Mahimna gave a talk on DeFi tax ideas.
04/24/2023 System deconstruction Definitions of user welfare for transaction sequencing approaches.
05/01/2023 Tyler Kell Tyler gave a talk on NFTs.
05/08/2023 Carolina Ortega Perez Carolina gave a talk on backup leakage in WhatsApp and Signal.
05/15/2023 Cancelled
05/22/2023 James Austgen James gave a talk on [de]centralization in the Ethereum ecosystem.
05/29/2023 Cancelled Memorial Day.
06/05/2023 System deconstruction Ethereum finality.
06/12/2023 Cancelled IC3 Summer Camp!
06/20/2023 Andres Fabrega Andres invited Ujval to talk about EVM-specific optimistic rollup design.
06/27/2023 Sarah Allen Sarah gave a talk on DAO governence.
07/04/2023 Cancelled Independence Day.
07/11/2023 Cancelled
07/18/2023 Ari Juels Ari led a discussion on blockchain application scenarios for LLM.
07/25/2023 Cancelled
08/01/2023 Round Robin Session
08/22/2023 Kushal Babel Kushal gave a talk on his work on DAG-based protocols including Bullshark and Narwhal
08/29/2023 Cancelled SBC
09/05/2023 Carolina Ortega Perez Angela Lu from Flashbots gave a tallk on MEV order flow
09/11/2023 James Austgen James gave a talk on Privacy Pools
09/18/2023 Andres Fabrega Andres gave a talk on decentralization metrics in DAO
09/25/2023 Yan Ji Yan gave a talk on MEV regulation
10/02/2023 Sarah Allen Sarah invited Mike Neuder to give a talk on enshrining PBS.
10/09/2023 Cancelled
10/16/2023 Cancelled
10/23/2023 Ari Juels Ari led a discussion on risks of oracles backed by LLMs
10/30/2023 Mahimna Kelkar Mahimna gave a talk on his recent paper entitled STROBE: Streaming Threshold Random Beacons
11/06/2023 Kushal Babel Kushal gave a talk on his recent work on low-latency DAG based consensus
11/13/2023 Round Robin Session
11/20/2023 Round Robin Session
11/27/2023 James Austgen James gave a talk on real world assets in crypto and how it might develop in the future
12/15/2023 Yan Ji Yan led a discussion on the article Platforms, Encryption, and the CFAA: The Case of WhatsApp v NSO Group and how it may apply to side channel attacks on Secret Network
01/05/2024 Andres Fabrega Andres gave a talk the paper The Vulnerable Nature of Decentralized Governance in DeFi
01/12/2024 Cancelled
01/22/2024 Sarah Allen Sarah invited Matt Stephenson from Pantera Capitol to gave a talk on DAO.
01/29/2024 Ari Juels Ari led a discussion on what blockchains can do for AI
02/19/2024 Mahimna Kelkar Mahimna invited Pranav Garimidi to present his recent paper Centralization in Block Building and Proposer-Builder Separation
03/11/2024 Kushal Babel Kushal gave a talk on the interesting papers and projects at FC and ETHDenver.
03/18/2024 Round Robin Session
03/25/2024 James Richard Austgen James gave a talk on the new evolving web3 projects, e.g., PolyMarket, EIP4844, Privacy Pools.
04/08/2024 Andres Fabrega Andres gave a talk on his recent papers on E2EE backup vulnerabilities.
04/15/2024 Yan Ji Yan invited Peiyao Sheng to present the projects at Witness Chain.
04/22/2024 Ari Juels Ari led a discussion on illiquid staking.
05/06/2024 Mahimna Kelkar
05/13/2024 Sarah Allen
05/20/2024 Kushal Babel
05/27/2024 Cancelled
06/03/2024 Discussion We discussed how to improve the structure of AriDG meetings.
06/10/2024 Cancelled
06/17/2024 Scrum Session Yan passed on the role of AriDG czar.
06/24/2024 Cancelled
07/01/2024 Discussion We discussed the Edge Esmeralda crypto workshop, including its format, what we learned and possible improvements.
07/08/2024 Sarah Allen Sarah led a discussion on Vitalik’s updated Endgame 2.0 post.
07/15/2024 Kushal Babel Kushal led a discussion about “building like Satoshi” in which we discussed how cryptocurrency is used and how values have shifted over time.
07/22/2024 Jay Yu Jay explained the responsibilities of being a voting delegate for Uniswap governance.
07/29/2024 Round Robin Session Everyone gets to present for 4 minutes, each followed by 1 minute of discussion/questions.